Tonight We Drink…Tomorrow We Battle The Evil At Hand
Arclight Records
Like freshman at their first college kegger, Austin’s Magnet School waste no time running to the tap, hitting a fast stride and head-bouncing attitude in their first full length release Tonight We Drink…Tomorrow We Battle The Evil At Hand.
“XX” begins the sprint. An immediate guitar riff followed by crashing drums is fitting intensity for a Friday night drive downtown. Vocals are big and production is clean with added distortion touches in “Seventensplit,” essentially the title track and reminiscent of Arcade Fire largeness.
Just when you think Magnet School can’t possibly keep up the evening’s rapid consumption, they strike with “Never Loose That Feeling,” possibly the best track on the album. Led by a bouncy guitar hook but never losing the soft-loud explosiveness of your favorite early 90’s indie rock.
Jason Fergusson provides a big sound on drums and Brandon Tucker carries the baseline. Mark Ford and Michael Wane play guitar and share vocals. Although more than competent as players, their guitar style leans towards repetitive. The second half of Tonight We Drink…continues with a diversity that hints at bigger things to come.
In stores November 6, 2007