Monday, Rodrigo y Gabriella announced they will cancel a few weeks of dates in March, including their ACL fest date. In a press release, RyG announced Gabriella needs a break due to exhaustion. The percussive-flamenco-styled guitarist plays an aggressive and uptempo backing to Rodrigo and it was mentioned that in order to preserve the ability for her to continue the rest of their September and October dates (which are many), she needed a two week break. Reports say she's developed a mild case of tendinitis (you might remember Ani Difranco needing a rest too, a few years back...) The group said they will honor the city's they miss buy returning sometime in winter or spring.
And the dagger...ACL organizer Charles Attal announced in Tuesday's Austin American Statesman, the White Stripes have canceled their Saturday, Sept 15th ACL performance. "Medical reasons" were the only explanation.
Unconfirmed rumors that abound say it's Meg not Jack.
Of course, this disappoints many folks who's main attraction are the headliners, but there is still plenty of fantastic talent. It means folks, you have to work harder to find it. But that's why you're here in the first place.
Pitchfork (here they go again...) has reported that the WS were unhappy with their performance slotted at the same time as Arcade Fire on Saturday and offered speculation as a possible reason for the cancellation. They also claimed early on Tuesday the WS Sept 13th gig in Albuquerque, New Mexico is still on. I will let you find both the Austin American Statesman article-- a factual piece of reporting-- and the Pitchfork piece all on your own. Pollstar has confirmed the Albuquerque cancellation.
We can only hope Jack and Meg's PR people make a public statement in the next day or two. Somehow, I doubt we'll get much till later.
This certainly takes steam out of looking forward to the weekend. The biggest mistake ACL organizers have made, is moving Muse into the WS time slot. Now they are paired in competition with Arcade Fire, who have to be laughing at all of this. Granted, there aren't many options for organizers at this stage of the game. They did what they felt best.
It's unfortunate that ACL organizers haven't been able to land a replacement of the status of Winehouse at the very least. One wonders if they've even tried. They've had three weeks and there are last minute options, but you can't imagine what the last three weeks leading up to a festival is like. Absolute insanity is minimum. So cut them a break.
With a new album release, the 35 year old Common has effectively taken the spot of RyG.
This cancellation disappointment happens every year to one of the (new) biggies (Bumbershoot, Vegoose, Wakarusa and Bonnaroo, etc...), who's organizers are all certainly gleaming with satisfaction at ACL and it's fan's misfortune (I will follow up with a story about festival cancellations). Now in its sixth year, nothing of this proportion has happened. It was bound to.
Unlike the other festivals which occur on farmland, or with stages packed into a football stadium located twenty miles out of town (or further), ACL festival is held in a wonderful location and a mile from downtown Austin. The city is teeming with music and things to do. In the grand scheme of things it is unlikely that this will affect the momentum of 2008's festival buzz. Consider this:
Organizers now effectively save a decent percent of two (RyG isn't breaking the bank) canceled performers fees. They are not getting it all back. They could use this to upgrade the facilities next year, offer a small discount next year to this years pass buyers, or justifiably "go big" on the lineup next year. Or a combination of the three. Some people complaining now might be sour to attend, but a big headliner list shuts them all up. Everyone. They'll forget in an instant.
Among active performers never making ACL festival appearences: Bruce Springsteen, Radiohead, the Police, Iron Maiden (that's not a misprint), the Cure, Pearl Jam, Elton John, the Foo Fighers, Jimmy Buffett, Morrissey, Prince, Rush, Ozzy Osborne and the Smashing Pumpkins.
Give me three or four of those names next year and everyone is happy. My vote would be for the Boss, Radiohead, The Police and Elton John... ok, and Iron Maiden. I'm cheating.
And dreaming. But, organizers at ACL have the money to do it. They're not spending it this year, nor should they try to find replacements as you're likely to hear everyone clamor for. Instead, draw out a very public plan for next year. They'll save face and involve the public in what is always their "little secret..." the lineup was announced all at once this year. 130 bands. The first time that's happened too. Call it Karma if you're so inclined.
Meanwhile, you'll find me enjoying headliner Bjork (duh, people) at one of the best festivals in the land in the greatest town on earth.